Patched AI

Patched AI提供自訂AI工作流程,允許自託管及與大型語言模型整合,提升開發效率並確保隱私。

Patched AI 是一款專為軟體開發團隊設計的人工智能工具,旨在優化和自動化程式碼審查、文件生成及修補程序。其開放源代碼框架允許用戶自建 AI 工作流程,結合首選的大型語言模型(LLM),提供完整的隱私和控制權。使用簡單的拖放式工作流程構建器,開發者能輕鬆設計和管理複雜的工作流程。例如,利用現有的閉合 PR 進行代碼分析並生成風格指南,或自動解析 PR 評論。這些功能顯著減少了開發時間和努力,提升工作效率。

Patched AI是一個針對程式碼審查、自動化文檔生成及修補的人工智能產品,專為軟體開發團隊設計。以下是其功能介紹:


Patched AI支持開發團隊構建自訂AI工作流程,這些流程能夠自動化執行程式碼審查、文件生成和修補。使用拖放式工作流程建構器,開發者可以輕鬆設計和建構複雜的工作流程,這使得任何人都能創建特定且精細的解決方案。


Patched AI允許用戶利用開放源代碼框架來自行託管工作流程,並與喜好的大型語言模型(LLM)集成,確保完整的隱私和控制。這意味著開發者可以在自己的環境中自動化多樣化的任務,如分析現有的封閉PR來生成編碼風格指南,並在開放PR中使用該指南進行審查。此外,用戶可配置工作流程以解決PR上的評論問題。


透過提供易於使用的拖放式介面,Patched AI使得開發者能夠迅速創建和部署高級工作流程,相比於手動執行或依賴其他工具來說,可顯著節省時間和精力。而且,它允許個性化定制,滿足特定業務需求。


  • 時間節省:自動化流程減少手動工作,提升開發效率。
  • 靈活性和控制:通過自託管和LLM整合的方式,開發者擁有更多的隱私和流程控制。
  • 精確的解決方案:可以根據項目的具體需求,設計定制化的工作流程。

Patched AI常見問題

Patched AI 常見問題

What is Patched AI?

Patched AI is a platform that allows development teams to create custom AI workflows for automating tasks such as code reviews, documentation, and patches. These workflows are self-hosted through an open-source framework and can be integrated with preferred large language models (LLMs) for full privacy and control.

How does the drag-and-drop workflow builder in Patched AI work?

The drag-and-drop workflow builder in Patched AI enables users to design and build complex workflows easily. It allows developers to automate various software development tasks by creating custom workflows tailored to their specific needs, such as automating code reviews, generating documentation, and resolving comments on pull requests.

What are the benefits of using Patched AI for development teams?

Patched AI offers several benefits for development teams including the ability to automate mundane tasks, increase efficiency, and ensure privacy by self-hosting workflows. It also provides flexibility in integrating with different LLMs and enables the creation of complex, custom workflows that streamline the development process, such as generating style guides and automating pull request reviews.