Widgets for Stripe是什麼
It looks like you're sharing information about various apps available on the Apple App Store, along with a personal note about an app you developed for displaying Stripe business stats through widgets. Here's a brief overview of the apps you've mentioned:
Flashbak Memories: This app likely helps users organize and revisit their memories, possibly through photos or journal entries.
AI Caption Writer for IG: An app designed to generate captions for Instagram posts using AI, helping users enhance their social media presence.
Photo Caption Generator AI: Similar to the previous app, this one focuses on generating captions for photos, likely using AI to create engaging and relevant text.
Widgets for Stripe Stats: This is your app, which provides widgets for iPhone, Mac, or iPad to display key information about Stripe businesses, such as revenue, charts, and MRR. It allows users to add multiple projects and view their sales data in various formats.
Task Shuffler: An app that likely helps users manage their tasks by shuffling or prioritizing them, possibly to enhance productivity.
Calorie Counter - Food Wrapfast: This app is probably a tool for tracking calorie intake, helping users manage their diet and nutrition.
Craion - Kids Drawings Analysis: An app that might analyze children's drawings, possibly providing insights into their development or creativity.
The Blind Number Challenge: Likely a game or puzzle app focused on numbers, offering a challenge that tests users' skills or knowledge.
Surf Watch - Scores Surfbuddy: An app designed for surfers, providing scores or updates on surfing conditions and events.
Your personal note describes the development process of the "Widgets for Stripe Stats" app, highlighting its unique features and inviting feedback from users. It sounds like a useful tool for anyone managing Stripe projects who wants quick access to their business metrics.
Widgets for Stripe功能
Widgets for Stripe 是一款專為顯示您的 Stripe 業務關鍵資訊而設計的應用程式。以下是該產品的一些核心功能介紹。
Widgets for Stripe 提供多樣化的小工具來滿足用戶不同的需求:
- 收入顯示:一目了然查看收入數據,讓用戶隨時掌握財務狀況。
- 圖表視覺化:使用圖表來呈現數據趨勢,方便快速分析業務表現。
- 貢獻圖表:類似於 GitHub 的格子圖,幫助用戶可視化每個項目的銷售貢獻。
- 月經常性收入(MRR):直接在桌面小工具上看到每月經常性收入的數字,便於計畫和預測。
- 快速、便捷地獲取關鍵的業務資訊
- 輕鬆管理多個 Stripe 項目,不再需要繁瑣的手動數據查找
Widgets for Stripe 是一個完美的解決方案,滿足那些需要即時掌握財務數據的用戶。這些小工具不僅提升了工作效率,還讓財務管理變得更加直觀和愉快。
Widgets for Stripe常見問題
Widgets for Stripe 常見問題
Widgets for Stripe是什麼?
Widgets for Stripe是一款可以在iPhone、Mac或iPad上添加精美小工具的應用程式,方便用戶查看Stripe業務的關鍵資訊,如收入、圖表、類似GitHub的貢獻圖和月經常性收入(MRR)。
如何在Widgets for Stripe中顯示收入和圖表?
在Widgets for Stripe中,用戶可以添加多個專案,然後選擇顯示方式以查看收入、圖表及貢獻圖,這些信息會在小工具中即時顯示,方便用戶一目了然。
Widgets for Stripe支持哪些設備?
Widgets for Stripe可在iPhone、Mac或iPad上使用,使用戶能夠在各種Apple設備上查看Stripe業務數據。
是否可以在Widgets for Stripe中添加多個專案?
是的,用戶可以在Widgets for Stripe中添加多個專案,從而查看不同專案的統計數據和收益情況。
如何開始使用Widgets for Stripe?
用戶可以從App Store下載Widgets for Stripe應用程式,然後按照提示設置連接到Stripe帳戶以顯示相應的統計數據。
Widgets for Stripe是否提供類似GitHub的貢獻圖?
是的,用戶可以在Widgets for Stripe中找到類似於GitHub的貢獻圖,這使得跟蹤銷售貢獻變得更加直觀和簡單。