FinFloh AI Credit Decisioning

Boost your financial operations with FinFloh AI Credit Decisioning, automating credit, contract, and pricing decisions. Leverage market intelligence and buyer behavior to enhance credit control, integrate seamlessly with CRMs like Salesforce, reduce bad debt, and optimize cash flow. Get started in just one week and achieve significant cost savings.

FinFloh Credit AI 是一款專為提升金融團隊效率而開發的人工智能驅動解決方案。這款軟體利用機器學習驅動的動態信用決策演算法,幫助企業在客戶生命週期的各個階段,特別是在使用類似 Salesforce 等 CRM 平台進行客戶入門時,做出精確的信用、合約和定價決策。FinFloh 能借助市場情報、買家付款歷史和行為分析生成信用風險評分,這一評分除了能預測買家的支付能力外,還能支援決策制定,如最佳交易條款、付款時間、現金流影響等。

此外,FinFloh 的無代碼集成相容於主流 ERP 和 CRM 平台,提供無縫的數據流動和同步,減少手動錯誤,提升信用控制和降低壞帳風險。其獨特的系統反饋功能促進銷售與財務團隊的協作,令企業有效排序信用決策,實現現金流正向增長。透過 FinFloh,企業可在一周內輕鬆上手,無需擔心複雜的實施過程。

FinFloh Credit AI 是一款基於機器學習的動態信用決策工具,幫助企業在客戶生命周期中作出精確的信用、合同和定價決策,特別是在客戶入職階段。以下是一些關鍵功能介紹:


FinFloh 利用其強大的 AI 驅動信用決策軟體,通過市場情報、買家支付歷史和行為來生成信用風險評分。

  • 信用風險評分:動態計算的風險分數能夠回答關於買家風險的多個問題,如付款時間、對現金流的影響等。
  • 自動化的買家入職決策:透過智能風險評分,自動化處理買家入職和信用上限的設置及監控。


FinFloh 提供強大的 CRM-ERP 連接,使數據流和同步變得無縫。

  • CRM 與 ERP 整合:無需手動上傳,減少錯誤及數據不匹配。
  • 與 Salesforce 等 CRM 反饋互動:協助制定和追蹤信用、合同和定價條款,促進銷售和財務部門的合作。



  • 降低壞賬風險:精準的信用評估和選擇合適的客戶能降低壞賬的風險。
  • 增強現金流量:智能決策支持結構化的合同更新和現金流預測。


FinFloh 的無代碼整合方式適用於所有主要的 ERP 和 CRM 軟體,讓企業迅速上手,提高生產效率。

  • 具體受益:減少手動勞動和錯誤,促進銷售與財務團隊之間的協作。
  • 兼容性:與多種 ERP 和 CRM 軟體兼容,包括 Oracle、Microsoft、SAP、Xero、Sage 等。


FinFloh AI Credit Decisioning常見問題

FinFloh AI Credit Decisioning 常見問題

What is FinFloh Credit Decisioning AI?

FinFloh Credit Decisioning AI is a software powered by Machine Learning that helps businesses make accurate credit, contract, and pricing decisions across the customer lifecycle. It uses market intelligence and buyer behavior to generate credit risk scores to aid firms in automating their buyer onboarding decisions and manage credit limits.

How does FinFloh improve credit control?

FinFloh improves credit control through ML-driven credit risk scoring, which assesses buyers based on market intelligence and buyer behavior. This helps businesses understand the risk associated with each buyer and make informed credit decisions.

What are the benefits of integrating FinFloh with CRMs like Salesforce?

Integrating FinFloh with CRMs like Salesforce provides seamless data flow and synchronization between systems, reducing the need for manual data uploads and minimizing errors. It ensures that sales and finance teams communicate better and stay aligned by sharing account-level credit data, ultimately improving collaboration and decision-making.

How quickly can businesses start using FinFloh?

Businesses can start using FinFloh in just a week's time. The solution offers simple no-code integrations compatible with major ERPs, CRMs, and accounting software, allowing companies to get up and running swiftly.

What kind of cost savings can businesses expect from using FinFloh?

By implementing FinFloh's accurate credit assessments and negotiating the right credit terms, businesses can reduce their exposure to bad debt, minimize overdue payments, and enhance cash flow, resulting in overall cost savings. Additionally, the backward feedback into CRMs helps negotiate better terms with buyers.