Velt AI Recorder

Velt AI Recorder 是一款嵌入式SDK,讓開發者在應用中快速集成錄音、錄影和螢幕錄製功能。提供AI轉錄、可自訂UI和無縫後端管理,解決內容管理和使用者流失問題。

Velt AI Recorder 是一款嵌入式錄製功能的開發套件(SDK),讓開發者能夠迅速地將類似 Loom 的錄音、視頻和屏幕錄製功能整合到自己的應用程序中。這樣一來,使用者可以直接在應用內錄製視頻短片、語音訊息及屏幕截圖,並搭配 AI 自動生成的文字稿和摘要,提升使用者的互動體驗。Velt SDK 適用於各類前端框架,如 Next.js、React 和 Angular 等,提供完整的 UI/UX 支援、功能性後端與儲存空間管理,並且無需額外配置即可運行。

Velt 的優勢在於能夠降低使用者流失到第三方工具的風險,並促進項目管理、銷售、市場行銷等工具的使用者黏著度。此外,Velt 提供跨裝置兼容性及免費試用,以便開發者評估其在產品中的應用效益。

Velt AI Recorder 是一款嵌入式錄製工具,讓開發者在應用程式中快速集成錄音、錄影和螢幕截圖功能。


Velt AI Recorder 的SDK提供了類似Loom的錄製功能,讓用戶能在應用程式內錄製影片、語音筆記和螢幕視訊。除此之外,它還能自動生成AI轉錄和摘要,增加操作便捷性。

  • 錄製功能: 支援聲音、影片和螢幕的錄製,並包含錄製和播放的使用者介面。
  • AI轉錄與摘要: 自動化的語音轉錄和重點摘要功能,簡化內容管理。



  • UI/UX自訂: 全面的UI/UX調整選項,可以無縫整合到現有產品。
  • 技術整合: 支援多種框架如Next.js、React和Angular等,適用於不同開發需求。



  • 全功能後端與存儲管理: 不需要繁瑣的配置,即可使用全管理的存儲和後端服務。
  • 無縫錄製與協作: 用戶可在不離開平台的情況下完成多種操作,提升效率。



  • 應用範例: 適用於Jira、Asana、Salesforce等平台,提高內部及客戶之間的溝通效能。

通過這些功能,Velt AI Recorder可提供高效且完整的錄製解決方案,支持從小型到大型企業的應用需求。

Velt AI Recorder常見問題

Velt AI Recorder 常見問題

What is Velt AI Recorder?

Velt AI Recorder is an SDK that allows developers to integrate native Loom-style recording features, including voice, video, and screen capture, into their applications. It also provides AI transcriptions and summaries.

How can Velt AI Recorder enhance user engagement?

By enabling users to record videos, voice notes, and screen captures directly within your application, Velt AI Recorder keeps users engaged and eliminates the need for third-party tools, thus increasing time spent and data within your product.

Which platforms and tools benefit from using Velt AI Recorder?

Platforms like ticketing tools (Jira, Linear), project management tools (Asana, ClickUp), email marketing tools (Apollo,, sales tools (Salesforce, Hubspot), and development tools (Github for code reviews) can benefit from integrating Velt AI Recorder.

What are the main features of Velt AI Recorder?

Key features include native voice, video, and screen recording, AI transcriptions and summaries, built-in recording and playback UI, cross-browser and device compatibility, full customization, and managed storage and backend.

Is there a free trial available for Velt AI Recorder?

Yes, Velt offers a free trial so users can test the SDK in their products.

What technologies are compatible with Velt AI Recorder?

Velt AI Recorder is compatible with technologies like Next.js, React, Angular, and more, making it adaptable for various development environments.

How complex is the integration process for Velt AI Recorder?

The integration is simple, involving four easy steps: Initialize the SDK, add the recorder components, customize them, and you're ready to go. The SDK handles UI/UX, functionality, and backend requirements.