Neureloは、データベースの扱いをシンプルにするAI駆動のプラットフォームです。NeureloはMongoDB、Postgres、MySQLに対して、RESTやGraphQL APIを即座に提供することで、複雑なデータベースツールとその操作を排除します。これにより、開発者はより重要なコードに集中できます。
Neurelo 機能
Neurelo is a platform designed to simplify the database experience for developers by providing a unified solution that integrates various database functionalities into one tool. Here’s a quick overview of what Neurelo offers:
Key Features:
- AI-Powered APIs: Instantly generates REST and GraphQL APIs for your databases, making it easier to interact with data without the need for complex setups.
- GitSchema: Manages database schemas with version control, allowing for easier collaboration and tracking of changes.
- Observability: Provides insights into query performance and database interactions, helping developers monitor and optimize their applications.
- Custom Query APIs: Offers the ability to create custom APIs with AI assistance, streamlining the development process.
- AI Schema Generation: Utilizes AI to help define and manage database schemas, simplifying the modeling process.
- Schema as Code: Treats database schemas as code, enabling better integration with development workflows and version control systems.
- Query Playground: An interactive environment for testing and optimizing database queries.
- Unified Tooling: Eliminates the need for multiple tools by consolidating data modeling, schema management, API handling, and observability into a single platform.
- Enhanced Developer Productivity: By abstracting the complexities of database interactions, developers can focus more on coding and less on managing databases.
- Scalability and Performance: Helps in making architecture decisions that enhance scalability and performance without sacrificing development speed.
Target Audience:
Neurelo is aimed at developers, architects, platform engineers, and site reliability engineers (SREs) who are looking to streamline their workflows and reduce the complexity of managing database interactions.
Getting Started:
Neurelo is free to use, and developers can sign up at Neurelo's registration page to start leveraging its features for their projects.
Overall, Neurelo presents a comprehensive solution to common challenges faced by developers when working with databases, promoting efficiency and ease of use.
Neurelo よくある質問
Neurelo よくある質問
Neureloは、開発者向けにデータベース管理を簡素化するAI駆動のプラットフォームです。多くのデータベースツールと複雑さを排除し、MongoDB、Postgres、MySQL用の即時AI駆動のRESTおよびGraphQL API、GitSchema、観測機能などを提供します。
Neureloはデータベースを瞬時にAPIに変換し、CRUD操作から高度なクエリまで、全てのデータベース通信をRESTまたはGraphQL APIとして利用可能にします。これにより、開発者は効率よくプロジェクトを進めることができます。
Neureloの特徴である「AI Schema」とは何ですか?
「AI Schema」は、AIを活用して複雑なスキーマ管理を簡素化する機能です。開発者は、AIによる支援を受けてスキーマ設計を行えます。